Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates

We Care, I Can

This November the Shawnee Mission School District will once again participate in the annual “We Care, I Can!”  Food Drive to benefit the Johnson County Christmas Bureau (JCCB). With continued economic challenges and the growing number of Johnson County families in need, the efforts of the Shawnee Mission School District are even more deeply appreciated.

The 6th Grade Leadership team at Prairie will be collecting items from 11/6/23-11/10/23. D Donations may be dropped off in the large barrels located inside at the East Arrival Door and in the Main Foyer.  Our goal is to collect 1,000 items over the course of this week!

The items most needed are canned tomatoes, fruit, corn, peas, cereal, macaroni & cheese, jello, peanut butter, dry baby food, canned meat, canned dinners, and soups. To learn more about the JCCB and all it does to support the community, please go to

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Special Guest Day

Special Guest Day is a fun Prairie tradition! Each student may invite one special guest to do an activity in their classroom and have lunch


Join us for this year’s carnival, on Friday Oct 18th from 5:00 – 7:30 pm. Tickets are $10 for kids in Kindergarten and up. Parents