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Trash Bag Sales are Open!

The annual trash and yard waste bag sale is back - just in time for fall leaves or cleaning out your closet! Proceeds benefit the General PTA fund to provide programming for all students at Prairie.

The annual trash and yard waste bag sale is back – just in time for fall leaves or cleaning out your closet! These are quality bags suitable in size for all of your household needs and thicker than many store brand bags. People love them!! There are three different sizes of trash bags plus paper yard waste available.

Proceeds benefit the General PTA fund to provide programming for all students at Prairie. 

Order Forms were sent home on September 16 and can be returned with payment on September 29. Or orders can be placed and paid for online with the click of a button!

Enter PRAIRIE as the Group ID on the main page if prompted and include the student name on the checkout page

Thank you very much for your continued support of Prairie Elementary. If your family prefers not to participate by selling trash bags, we hope you might consider making a donation instead. To donate, visit, and there is an option in the Spirit Store to submit your donation.

Students that sell $100+ in bags will receive an invite for a pizza party in the Prairie garden!

Sales are open until Sept 29th.

You will be notified when the bags ordered under your students’ name(s) are available for pick up at school. You will be responsible for distribution to any friends and family.

Please note that 1 case of bags (10 rolls) weighs approx. 50 lbs, and therefore too heavy to send home with students.

Questions? – Please contact Alicia Koranda

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