If you manage a committee on behalf of the Prairie PTA, the forms below should be used for their specific purpose. In general, you should pay out of pocket for expenses within the approved budget and get reimbursed for the costs using the forms below. 

Please be sure to use the PTA Tax Exempt Form for all applicable purchases. The PTA has an Amazon account and a FedEx account set up with tax-exempt status as well as a Dollar Tree QR code that can be used when purchasing items. If you need any of the above, please contact the Executive Board member liaison for your event or email the PTA – [email protected]

Check Request/ Reimbursement

If you spend money on behalf of the PTA, submit your expenses with receipts for reimbursement within one month of the event. Also use this form when you need check written for a vendor or individual (must include an invoice). Include up to 10 receipts – Download Genius Scan app for free.

Petty Cash

If you are accepting payments at an event, you need cash on hand for change. Please fill out the form below at least ONE WEEK before your event outlining what cash and coin denominations you need.

Cash & Check

If you collect cash or checks at an event, please download and fill out the form below with all deposit totals. A second person should verify the money count and sign off on the form. Return the completed form with all monies in the bank bag to treasurer.