Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates

Pre-ordering Open for Prairie Plant Sale

plant-sale-logoLast week your child should have brought home the 4th annual plant sale order form along with postcards to get the word out to your neighbors, friends and family.

Here is the 2014 plant sale order form and the plant sale flier giving you all of the details and deadlines. We encourage you to order online at if at all possible, otherwise you can turn in your forms with payment to your child’s teacher by April 15.

Be sure to check out this year’s Garden Packages – Salsa Lover, Tuscan Herb, and Veggie Garden Starter. And we’ve eliminated the guesswork by listing all plants as “shade,” “partial shade,” or “sun” types. All proceeds directly benefit student activities at Prairie, including the annual 6th grade Wildwood trip.

Please feel free to reach out to one of the chairs if you have any questions at all!

Thanks for your help!

Lindsay Ridder & Stephanie Ptacek
Prairie Plant Sale Co-Chairs

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