Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates


For those who chose to participate in the Snowball Project, your child should have brought a snowball, stapled to an instruction sheet, home with them prior to Thanksgiving break.

Stapled to the form is the gift your child picked for the families Prairie is adopting. Our Prairie families are adopting seven families with a Mom and three children in each family.

Your child chose one of the following:

  1. A Gift Card to Target, or a request for bath and body products, for the mother.
  2. A gift from a child’s wish list – 21 children – 7 gifts per child or 147 gifts in total.
  3. Food Contribution – family meal contributions of $15 X2 ($30 total) per meal, per family.


Please deliver your new, UNWRAPPED gift to your child’s classroom on:

  • Monday, December 3rd or
  • Tuesday, December 4th
  1. Please make sure the ornament they picked is securely fastened to the gift when you deliver it to Prairie. Each classroom will be compiling the gifts for the families.
  2. If your child chose to contribute to the family meal, please make your check payable to: Operation Breakthrough.
  3. Please do not wrap the gifts; Operation Breakthrough encourages the mothers to wrap the gifts, in order to feel more a part of the holiday experience.


Thank you for your overwhelming support of Operation Breakthrough. All the gifts are spoken for and we will successfully provide seven families with their wish lists.

Thank you for your generous participation!!

Please contact Jen Benjamin (816-392-0099) if you have questions.


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