Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates

Prairie PTA Facebook page changing to a closed group. You’re invited!

Good evening!  In the interest of the continued safety of our students, the PTA has decided to discontinue the (public) PTA Facebook page and has created a closed (private) group.

We are working on uploading approved emails, but in the meantime, if you’d like to join, please request and we will approve all parents and guardians of current Prairie students.  We have shared the new page on the current PTA Facebook public page so you can easily find it.

Give us a few days to work out the kinks- we’re happy we are doing everything we can to keep our little Panthers safe.

(In case you are wondering, nothing happened, we just had conversations with other schools and learned this is how they are doing it!)

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Book Fair This Week!

Join us on Thursday November 8th and Friday November 9th from 7:50-3:30 in the gym for our book fair. It is an exciting event for our students