Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates

Prairie Panthers Shining Bright for Veterans

Calling all Prairie families and Prairie Village neighbors! Please join Prairie along with other SME feeder elementary schools in our second annual luminary event. This year we will celebrate our veterans and the sacrifices they have made for our country. 10% of all sales of all schools participating will go toward Veteran’s Community Project, providing housing and support services to those who served America.

Help Us Light The Way

  • Purchase a Luminary Kit by Sunday November 7, 2021 – order details below
  • Decorate your Luminaries (if you choose) and place on your driveway, sidewalk or front porch by dusk Thursday, November 11th OR donate the luminaries to be set up at Prairie to contribute to our luminary walk.
  • Walk the neighborhood and Prairie Elementary to see the luminaries light-up Prairie Village!
  • Grab a fall treat and enjoy the luminary walk through the Prairie garden! Concessions will be available for purchase from our 6th grade leadership committee. 
  • Take photos and post on social media with #ShiningBrightForVets

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Book Fair This Week!

Join us on Thursday November 8th and Friday November 9th from 7:50-3:30 in the gym for our book fair. It is an exciting event for our students