Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates

Introducing, Skyler Allen!


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello, my name is Skyler Allen and I am excited to be a student teacher in your child’s classroom for the next couple of months! Given that you will be seeing me around the school I wanted to introduce myself and give you a bit of information about me.

I am a non-traditional student from Pittsburg State University where I am in my last semester of a physical education degree. Previously I received a degree in fitness management back in 2007 also from PSU. After years of volunteer coaching my children’s youth sports teams I decided my passion was really working with children. I have three children (10, 6, and 5 years old) with a fourth due at the end of the school year. I enjoy baseball, superheroes, working out, country music and spending time with my wife and children.

I am looking forward to upcoming months teaching at Prairie Elementary and getting the chance to teach the students here. I am positive I will take a lot from my time here.

Thank you,

Skyler Allen

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