Prairie Panther Blog | News & Updates

Help Needed!

We are looking for a few good volunteers for lunch time and morning drop off.

The kids eating lunch from 11-12 need help opening their food containers and milk, finding a chair and staying in it, and emptying their trays. If this sounds like a job for you please contact Krista Sederquist at [email protected] or 913 749-8444.

We also need a door helper/greeter from 7:45-8:15am during drop off. If you (or someone you know) are friendly and can help usher kids into the building this job is for you! Please give Krista a call or send her an email.

Thanks for all your help!!

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Book Fair This Week!

Join us on Thursday November 8th and Friday November 9th from 7:50-3:30 in the gym for our book fair. It is an exciting event for our students