Registration opens to girls in 3-5th grades on Saturday, August 17th at 8:00 am. Visit: to register.
- The first practice is Wednesday, September 11th.
- Practice will take place at Prairie immediately after school and will end at 4:30pm on Wednesdays and Fridays.
- Tentative date for our Community Service project will be Wednesday October 9th. It will likely be at Unleashed Pet Rescue
- Tentative date for Practice 5K is Sunday October 27th at Porter Park
- Practice will run for 8 weeks with the season culminating at the Girls on the Run 5k on Saturday, November 9th at Sporting KC Stadium.
- The end of season party will take place at Prairie on Wednesday, November 13th.
- There is early dismissal on Friday Sept 13th and no school on Friday October 11th so we will not be meeting on those dates