Frequently Asked Questions

You have a question, we have an answer.

What is the Student Directory?

The Student Directory is an online directory of parents/guardians and students at Prairie. You can gain access to this super handy directory by purchasing an annual PTA Membership.

How do I find out who my room parent is?

Room parent volunteers are collected at the beginning of the school year. As soon as room parent assignments for this school year have been made, we will publish a list on the website for reference.

What time does my student have lunch?

Student lunch times vary by grade. Visit the “Important Links + Information” page to view lunch schedules.

How do I add money to my student's lunch account?

Add money to your child’s lunch account by visiting: Have additional questions regarding lunch accounts, fees, etc.? Click here:

How does Prairie handle food allergies?

Prairie is able to accommodate students with allergies. We encourage you to reach out to your child’s teacher and the school nurse to explore options.

How do I find out who my child's teacher is?

Teacher assignments are posted in Skyward by the district up to one week prior to the start of school.