Prairie Communication Methods

Part of becoming familiar with Prairie is staying in the loop. There are several channels Prairie uses to share important information with parents.

Weekly Newsletter

Delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday, the PTA Newsletter is chock-full of all the important details and links you need for the week ahead.

You must register your information in the directory in order to receive this publication. It is free to register. 

Student Directory

One of the benefits of purchasing the annual Prairie PTA membership is access to the Student Directory. The directory makes connecting with other Prairie families, students, and friends across the school an absolute breeze. 

Additionally, room parents use the directory to share information pertinent to your student’s class. It is free to register your information to be sure you are kept in the loop. Membership is only required to gain access! is the main hub for all things Prairie PTA. Here you can learn about Prairie’s many annual activities, clubs and volunteer opportunities and you can purchase spirit wear, event tickets, yearbooks, etc. Don’t miss the calendar that features important district and school items, plus all PTA-sponsored events.

Not to be confused with the PTA site, is the district website dedicated to Prairie that is maintained and updated by SMSD staff.

Prairie Panthers FB Group

The Prairie PTA also manages a casual private Facebook group. Parents and guardians may join the group to get up to date information on PTA events as well as school activities. 

PTA Instagram Page

The PTA Instagram page has the most up to date information on PTA-sponsored events and programs, as well as information on school activities, bonus content, photos, and helpful reminders. Be sure to tag @prairiepta on your posts!

To promote partnership between Prairie students, staff, families, and the community, to create a positive environment and impact every child.