There is a lot going on at our school’s garden right now! Prairie dad Chad Gooley installed a new irrigation system customized for each bed. Mr. Gooley is also installing a gutter system on our garden shed to harvest the rain that falls on its roof into rain barrels! These projects are paid for by a Green Grant from the Koch Foundation, due to the aspect of water conservation. It will be interesting to compare this summer’s water bills against past years. The HiP club planted lettuce and arugula seeds that are growing and ready to be eaten. The HiPsters also planted the new flowers and herbs from the 5th grade plant sale. JMG will plant our 2 crop beds with heirloom tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers and eggplant next week. Stay tuned for how you can help with the maintenance of the garden all summer long. It should be piece of cake to water!