Order for Your Family and Friends!
Scrip gift cards make the perfect gift! Order as many gift cards as you like for family and friends for any gift-giving occasion, such as graduations, anniversaries and summer birthdays. Just fill out the Scrip family order form and turn it in with your payment.
The deadline for Scrip family order forms is Friday, May 9.
Teachers and Staff Loves Gift Cards, Too!
This is also a perfect way to let your child’s teachers and Prairie’s staff know how much you appreciate all they have done this year. So, along with giving to your family and friends, please remember our teachers and staff members.
Complete the teacher and staff appreciation gifts order form with the amount you would like to give and return it with your payment. Teachers and staff will be able to choose which gift cards they would like.
Each staff person will receive a list of the names of the participating families. What an easy way to show appreciation for those that make Prairie such a wonderful school for our children!
So that Prairie staff will have time to choose their gift cards, the deadline for teacher and staff appreciation gifts form is Wednesday, May 7.
Please note that the fifth graders receive a small percentage back on each gift card purchased, which in turn goes towards fundraising for their Wildwood trip.
If you have any questions, please contact Karen Fernandez at 913-244-2969 or [email protected].